
Pricing —

Please contact us today to schedule your free initial consult!

Individual Tutoring

$45/hour (standard rate)

Group Learning

What Parents Are Saying —

Sarah is a very talented tutor who is able to turn difficult material into fun lessons.

Sarah is a very talented tutor who is able to turn difficult material into fun lessons. My daughter struggles with math, and my efforts to help her at home were unsuccessful (lots of frustration and even tears), so we decided to have Sarah start tutoring her. Sarah helped changed her attitude from “math is boring and hard” to “math is fun and enjoyable.”

Sarah was able to quickly identify my daughter’s learning style and create lessons that helped her grasp the concepts. My daughter is afraid of making mistakes and Sarah has reframed making mistakes in to a positive thing. She also ends her sessions with math games that make learning fun! Now my daughter looks forward to working on her math.

– Melissa B.

Sarah was able to quickly identify my daughter’s learning style and create lessons that helped her grasp the concepts.